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ONE ART Taipei 2020



The Sherwood Taipei

2019年より開催されているホテルの客室を利用した展示会で、台湾や海外から多くのギャラリーが招待されています。 昨年に続き、クラゲの作品を中心に出品させていただきました。

ONE ART Taipei 2020
ONE ART Taipei 2020


2020年1月17日 12:00 – 2020年1月18日 20:00

The Sherwood Taipei


ONE ART Taipei (OAT) seeks to create the best hotel art fair in Asia. With there being many art fairs, ONE ART Taipei Committee still stands out with awards including one of ten recommended art fairs by LA VIE 2015’s “Taiwan’s Cultural and Creative industries 100” and  2015 TID Award of Space Installation Art.

ONE ART Taipei held its debut fair in 2019 and have successfully invited many exceptional galleries from Taiwan and overseas to participate and attracted over 12,000 visitors, which brought magnificent sales. With much support and recognition, OAT is holding the second hotel fair from January 17th to 19th, 2020 to continue promoting the beauty of modern art.


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